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Chilled Holiday Eggnog!

This creamy, holiday drink is not only delicious and good for you but dairy free too!

Recipe borrowed from “Wellness with Rose Cookbook.”

(Serves 4)


2 cups Almond Cream, unsweetened*

1/2 cup date paste (dates blended with a little water)

2 tablespoons grade B maple syrup

2 frozen bananas

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg plus extra for sprinkling

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


Blend all ingredients except bananas. Add bananas and blend.

Serve immediately with additional sprinkle of nutmeg.

*To make Almond Cream, soak 1 1/2 almonds in water for 8 hours, drain, and rinse.

Then, blend the almonds with 3 cups of water and strain.

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